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Gaming Google In The Gaming Industry
Bob Sakayama
2013-03-23 18:27:43
2012 SEO Disasters | Solutions
Bob Sakayama
2012-12-16 14:03:29
Google May Be Quietly Acknowledging Negative SEO
Bob Sakayama
2012-08-30 15:29:12
Unnatural Links Warning
Bob Sakayama
2012-07-25 17:05:11
Penguin Inadvertently Makes Paid Links More Valuable
Bob Sakayama
2012-04-29 14:01:46
Occupy Google
Bob Sakayama
2011-11-04 12:57:49
Google Has Lost The War Against Paid Links
Bob Sakayama
2011-05-07 16:33:19
Google Penalties Now Called Manual Actions
Bob Sakayama
2011-04-23 16:27:14
Google Bomb Today
Ryan Urban
2011-04-11 17:05:11
Penalized Site Seeks Help:
Valmir Fernandes
2011-03-17 17:56:06
Did The Hammer Come Down On Content Aggregators
Bob Sakayama
2011-03-02 22:22:24
Enterprise Search Manipulation
Bob Sakayama
2011-02-19 19:12:08
Google Has A Huge Cloaking Problem
Bob Sakayama
2011-01-21 20:33:20
A Sorry Tale of a Google Penalty in Action
Dr. Marc Pinter-Krainer
2010-12-13 11:46:50
A New Google Penalty
Bob Sakayama
2010-11-28 21:49:40
The Archive Link Magnet
Bob Sakayama
2010-08-12 20:39:05
Coping With The Loss of Link Metrics
Bob Sakayama
2010-07-25 03:10:26 Penalized
2010-07-22 15:19:42
Automating Compliance Via CMS
Rev Sale
2010-07-15 22:43:15
Caffeine May Have A Hidden Cost
Bob Sakayama
2010-07-08 11:35:34
Google Penalties And Nuked Domains
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-28 21:09:30
When Google Doesn't Like Your Business Model
2009-11-09 12:41:20
Search Compliance For Subdomains
2009-11-09 11:51:10
Google Penalty Solutions - An Example Unwind
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-04 21:21:01
Maintaining Search Compliance via CMS
2009-11-03 22:35:15
Still Reeling From The Affiliate Slap
2009-11-02 22:47:01
Most Popular Penalties
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-01 22:06:52
Link Obfuscation Necessary On New Sites
Rev Sale
2009-11-01 21:46:56
By: Bob Sakayama
2010-07-08 11:35:34
Been reading that Caffeine is out there making our search lives easier and better, something everybody wants, right? After all, if we know what we're doing, we should see our big sites rocking if the big G is being energized. And Caffeine is supposed to be faster, so that has to be good, no?

After the May day update, we started looking for the changes that actually improve the search. Our largest sites, the ones that actually use our power center strategy fully are mostly performing better than before the update on long tail terms. So we have no complaint there.

But for those of us who live in the forensic world of rank issue problem solving, penalty unwinding, and compliance discovery, Google just became vastly less friendly when it removed our ability to see all inbound links that they have indexed in Webmaster Tools. No longer can we download "all external links" - even though the download button still says that. We are only able to see a tiny fraction, now called a "sample" of the links.

So perhaps we're getting faster searches at the expense of some metrics.

Our biggest issue with this loss of information is that Google already is nontransparent, and unresponsive if you have an issue with rank. If your site is penalized, Google does not even acknowledge this fact, and the responsibility of discovery is entirely up to the site owners. Since we know that inbound links are a major source of rank problems and penalties, removing our ability to discover the problem links is clearly harmful to our interests, and provides even more cover for Google to act with no accountability. And if Google mistakenly harms a site with a penalty (did you think G was flawless?) our ability to point out the error is now also compromised.

One of our link builders has been experimenting with using links to deliberately harm the ranks of another owned site. While these experiments generally fail, we do see momentary success, even though the result is not long lasting. But put yourself in the position of a site that is targeted by a 3rd party, throwing unwelcome links at your site. We see this all the time, where upon investigating the inbound links of a client, we discover huge numbers of links from porn, gaming and other bad neighborhoods. Because of Google's new limited information set on inbound links, such discovery is now impossible.

We've also been told that Caffeine has better paid link detection built in. This sounds great, but believe it's a false claim, since no logical explanation accompanies the rumors. And if your interests lie in eliminating paid links, any rumor that suggests a magical ability to detect the undetectable is in your interest, isn't it?

Blog_id: 15 | Posted: 2010-07-08 11:35:34 | Views (6,819) | Comments (0)  
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Google Penalty Solutions
Automation & Search Compliance

Looking for SEO enabled content management systems with structural, semantic optimization built into the cms? You're on the right site. Research identified targets are implemented within the markup, content, and filenames to enable the site to rank as high as possible based upon semantic relevance. 34789366G off site content requirements